12 May

The Adventures of Brandar Odaron

Book 1:  The Hidden Continent

Chapter 25   Brandar Takes The Forest

Brandar’s Generals and Knights, and Captains and Officers, and Counselors and Advisors, all but Calaren, took to debating among themselves how best to use the five Northron Volunteers which had come west; imagining that these were Brandar’s peers.  But Brandar rejected their counsel, intending to replace the Counselors and Advisors, though appointed by Strabos, with these very Northrons.  Yet, that notion caused such an uproar that he attached the Northrons to his Company as Errant Generals, for he already had in mind ways in which he wished to deploy them.  And thus did he keep the Seven together without disrupting the royally-appointed attendees, who would thus thereafter be less welcome at his official meetings and altogether unwelcome privately.  However, the Tower was then taken over entirely by the Northrons, by Brandar’s order, though with Calaren allowed to remain, while the Officers and Officials were to find lodgings as near or as far as seemed fit to them.  And while this caused much in the way of consternation, Brandar was not in the least concerned with their protests, and ordered things just as he wished, saying:  “This is how it shall be.  And if you do not approve then I give you leave to go and complain to Strabos in Sunthakis.  But then he shall inform you that my word is as law upon all of the Borders, by his own decree.”

Within two years of the Devouring Assault, Brandar’s new forces at Vordurus were as great as had been arrayed before the war.  And there with his fellow Northrons he prepared to enter upon a campaign into the West.

By reports from Scouts he knew that the Forest contained no enemy forces large enough to oppose him.  And the Grasslands were altogether free of Druwolc, and all other monsters.  Brandar’s Main Force, therefore, he mustered west of Vordurus with two somewhat smaller forces, his Flanks, placed one to his north and the other to his south.  And he ordered them to make ready to march into the Forest girded for war.

Calaren was in command of the North Flank while Ergon held the Coastlands and Jesan was in charge of the Southward Flank.  The Lords Flaven, Medhyos, and Turlin were to guard the Borders between Vordurus and Magadinos, while Phaedus must hold the Borders above the dreaded Swamplands, south, to prevent another invasion by the terrible Korligen.  And upon a sunny morning Brandar rose and declared that a great Westward Expansion had begun.  Then, together with his six fellow Northrons he led the Main Force into the Forest followed closely, to northeast and southeast, by his Flanks; wide Regiments moving upon parallel routes.  And that is how Brandar entered to take the Forest from the Demon Lord, Modeus.

Those woodlands stretched across many leagues east to west, from the far-flung Borderlands to the Foothills of the distant Mountains.  But the Mountains had no other name, for they were the only mountains upon Arzultaur.  Neither had the Forest another name, lest it were, beforehand, the “Domain of Balkurmis”.  And while the Forest had aforetime been full of foul monsters and fell beasts, and countless Durwolc ruled by the late Balkurmis, the vassal of MorLome, Brandar deemed that the most numerous of all of those creatures had been killed in the Devouring Assault.

True enough, the Forest was taken with no great battles having to be fought.  And Brandar discovered the very den of Balkurmis beneath a hill that he named the “Dark Mound”, by its appearance, and which was located at the very feet of the Mountains.

In that dank hole Brandar fought the brood of Balkurmis and slew every one, but not the Dragon’s mate, a great Dragon in her own right, who fled north to hide in another den by a wide lake that known as the “She-Dragon’s Water”.  And how this was known to Brandar is that he ordered Scouts to follow her, but not to attack, and return to him with news of whither she had fled.

Now, Balkurmis and his mate were not winged dragons, but were nevertheless very large fire-breathing serpents, and highly magical.  Yet, the She-Dragon had been expecting the return of her lord and had therefore had time only to put a light spell upon the den of Balkurmis, ere she fled Brandar’s Army and hid in her own den beside the lake.  Thus did Brandar send for Calaren, ere he entered the great den nigh to the Mountains, and asked him to dispel any curses or other magic that might be there.  So Calaren came and after going in to inspect its den’s deeper recesses Calaren came out unharmed and pronounced the den safe to enter.  And with that, Brandar ordered that the bodies of the brood inside must be brought out and burned, which required a whole day’s labor; for the brood were many, and some were nigh as large as their mother.

When this was done, the den was free to be explored, and thus did Brandar and his Company go and search out its ways.  And it happens that much wealth was had from the den of Balkurmis; for the Dragon had long been gathering and piling up his hoard.  Thus was it Brandar’s by rights, for slaying the evil creature.  And he was glad to have it, though he gave much of it away.  Indeed, there was so much wealth that the Seven became positively rich because of it, as did Calaren and Jesan, and also all of the other Officers who had come into the Forest.  But to every Soldier who had come Brandar gave a year’s wages in silver and gold, above the promotions they received, each with a hefty raise in pay.  And this brought them much joy, while buying for the Warlord their steadfast loyalty, so strongly did he find favor in their eyes, and so too their families.

Of course, all of the Soldiery of the Forest Campaign had come of free will, for love of King and country.  Yet, a little treasure, here and there, never hurts the cause.  And these gifts were more than enough to inspire them.

Now, the way to the den of the She-Dragon was revealed to Brandar by his Scouts, who said that they had seen her descending into it, beneath a large hill by the eastern shore of the lake.  Therefore, Brandar led his countrymen and a rather large Company of Soldiers to do battle with the She-Dragon.  But when they came upon the hill, Brandar ordered the Company to remain outside while the Seven Northrons went in.  Then it took all seven to slay the serpent, for she was mighty, and fought fiercely; being enraged at the slaying of her Lord and her brood.  But slay her they did, after all.  Then Brandar came out and ordered his Soldiers to drag her corpse out to the lakeside, and there burn it to ash; tooth, bone, and all.  And this was soon done. 

Thus were Balkurmis and his mate, and all of their brood, utterly destroyed.  Then did the Northrons enter again into the den; again commanding the Soldiers to wait.

In this den, in a vast but odorous cavern beneath the lakeside mound which would later be named “Dragon’s Den Hill”, the Seven found yet another treasure-trove in the form of an high pile of immeasurable wealth, greater even than that which had been found in the den of Balkurmis.  Yet, it happens that the She-Dragon, fearing that Brandar’s Army would come soon, placed a terrible curse upon the hoard.  Thus did the Seven, unaware of the strength of the curse, fall under its enchantment.  And it would nearly doom the Seven when they gazed by torchlight upon the hoard, enthralled by the dazzling glint of flames reflected off the gold and silver and jewels, and the myriad other treasures piled so tall  --  for there was nothing to prevent them from being ensnared, and they were so caught up in the spell-magic that they forgot everything but the sight of the treasure.

Suddenly, the Northrons went mad with lust and greed for the treasure; running forth to go playing upon the pile like giddy children upon a heap of candy.  And they all forgot who they were and why they were there, and what should have been done ere they inspected the hoard.  But when Solders outside, hearing shouts of joy within, entered to see what was afoot, they too became ensnared.  Then more and more came and fell under the curse, so that the cavern became crowded with Soldiers shoving and pushing each other about, arguing over some trinket while standing knee-deep in others.  And not a few were coming to blows.

For a time, therefore, neither the Seven nor the Soldiers realized that they had been caught by an enchantment.  Indeed, the Northrons made their way to the top of the pile and there drew their flashing swords, threatening anyone against coming near their imagined portion of the treasure; even Brandar his own kinsmen, Alak and Daram.  But Tomas had stepped back while drawing his sword and felt something sharp prick his ankle.  And bending slightly to discover the offending object his Wizard’s Gem, the Blue Jade which yet hung upon a chain about his neck, and which was normally kept inside of his garments, as all the Northrons wore their necklaces, hung out as he bent to look at the object.  Then the jadestone seemed to grow heavy and to drag him down towards the object, which he found was a long dagger with a bone handle carved in the likeness of an eagle’s head.  But lo, he recognized that knife, for he had seen it in the belt of a Scout whom Brandar had sent into the Forest ere the war and had never returned.  So Tomas was amazed at finding it here.  Meanwhile, his fellows, and all the others in the cavern, continued threatening one another, with some of the soldiers now engaged in fighting.

Trembling and sweating, feeling the Jade pull him downwards, he took up the dagger and gazed at it, whereupon he believed he heard the voice of the Scout from the blade, saying:  “Beware.  Beware the hoard of Dragons.  Beware.  Beware.  Beware.  …”.  So the voice kept saying; growing quieter until it was gone.  And the Jade pulled him to his knees while he continued to hold the dagger in front of him.

Then was Tomas of a mind to remove his necklace, as it was pulling him down quite strongly.  But when he touched the gem, a clear head was suddenly his out of all the men in the cavern.  And he kenned the truth, whereupon the weight was lifted.

Well it was that Tomas healed himself of his madness.  And he quickly removed his necklace while yet holding the dagger and presented his gem for Brandar to grasp, and who took hold not seeing it for what it was in the fog of his accursed greediness.  Then was Brandar cured of his insanity.  And he and Tomas went about aiding the other Northrons; finding that each of their gems had this power when brought close to the dagger.  And by this, after testing the Gems, the Seven discovered that the magic of the Wizard’s Gifts, thought lost forever, had returned.  But they could not cure any of the other men in the cavern, not even when using the healing of Erek’s Emerald.  Then Tomas put the dagger in his belt, desiring to keep it, for it had saved him.

And because of the press of struggling men in the cavern Brandar had his fellows made use of the power of his Pearl of Giant Strength to move men aside and make their way out of the cavern, then up through the great passages which connected it to the outside; for the gems were close enough that each of their magicks were available to their sisters.  But ere they had gone out Brandar noted the dagger in Tomas’ belt and bid him leave it behind; fearing that it may yet be cursed, though it had brought the Seven out of the enchantment.  So Tomas reluctantly left it just within the entrance to the den, with a prayer of thanks to the dead Scout who had owned it. 

Outside the den the Northrons found that the curse had spread like a plague, so that nigh all of the Main Force were violently clamoring to enter, brawling brutally, with some drawing blood with their weapons.  Then Brandar sent Erek and Khalen to fetch the Wizard Calaren, who was with the North Flank encamped in the Forest but a furlong due east of that place.  And Rosth he sent to scout upon the land west of the lake; fearing that enemies may come not knowing that the She-Dragon was dead.  But Alak and Daram and Tomas he sent to subdue the Soldiers coming to blows in their madness, and to heal them of wounds.  Yet, the three met certain Officers and other Soldiers who held some magic against the curse, and these aided them in their efforts.

Erek and Khalen soon returned with Calaren and ten of the Wizard’s Guards.  But when Calaren heard the clamor through the trees ere coming within sight of the hill he bid his men stay behind while he went ahead.  And the two Northrons stayed with them.  But ere long they heard the noise settle down, then Calaren came and signaled for them to come, though he gestured oddly at them as he did so.

Here they found most of the stricken Soldiers fast asleep, for Calaren could think of nothing better than to cast a spell of sleeping upon them, though the Northrons there were unaffected, as were a few men who held a magical item or weapon that protected them against curse and spell alike.  And Calaren had cast a spell upon his Guardsmen, to prevent them from falling under the curse.  Yet, Soldiers also there were who had avoided the sleep but remained under the curse, so that these must be caught and restrained by the Northrons and by Calaren’s Guardsmen.  Then Calaren asked the Northrons to bring out those who were sleeping inside while he ordered his Guardsmen to position themselves about the hill as watchmen.

At length, after the den was emptied, Calaren alone entered in, insisting that no one come with him.  But minutes later there was a low rumble from the hill, then a calm ensued where not a breeze could be felt thereabouts.  And shortly afterwards Calaren emerged from the den then turned and pointed a small crooked wand at the entrance.   Speaking an arcane word of power he made the wand send forth a blast of force that smote upon the arch above the entrance, at which it collapsed and fell down, so that the entrance was sealed; covered completely by dirt and rubble and stone.  And as it was caving in, all of the ensorcelled men suddenly came to their senses, and their minds were cleared, though they recalled not their madness.  Then were they amazed when told that they had been so thoroughly bespelled but could not even remember it. 

“Now,” said Calaren to Brandar, “the door is shut, and the enchantment has been bottled up.  Let no-one henceforth attempt to retrieve the treasure therein, lest they gaze once more upon the hoard and fall again under the Dragon’s curse.”             “Too bad we could not get any of the treasure out,” said Tomas.  “Indeed,” said Calaren.  “But I could not dispel this curse as I had that which lay upon the hoard of Balkurmis  --  for this was much too strong.  Therefore, it is well that nothing was brought out from below, as even the least coin shall forever carry the enchantment.  No doubt, that was the Dragon’s wish; that her curse should spread throughout the Lands once we had looted the den.  Such cannot be allowed, ever.  The entry must remain sealed, come what may, lest some magic greater than the curse is found, someday, which can be used to negate its power, and so remove its glamoury.”

Just in time did Brandar’s forces awake from their sleep, for Rosth came riding up swiftly, saying:  “A great force of Durwolc are marching hard along the western shore.  And they are heavily armed and armored in livery well made and burnished.”  But when Calaren heard a description of that enemy, he said:  “These are not the Dragon’s thralls, but servants of the Demon Lord himself.  They must have marched all the way from his Castle in the North.  And they shall be a tough lot to engage.  Very tough.”

Nevertheless, leaving one Company to guard the hill, and sending Calaren back to his post, Brandar led his Force around the southern end of the lake and defeated the Durwolc; chasing the survivors into the Grasslands west of the river, which itself drains northeast from the lake into the Great Northern Bay.  And that course was formerly referred to as the “Demon’s River”.  But upon Brandar’s return, as he rode along its western bank, he proclaimed that it marked the new Northern Border of Arzultaur.  And he named it Kelebros, meaning “Hollow of Warmth”, as the river flowed among long and wide slews which cut across sun-drenched meadows of the Grasslands. 

And that is how Brandar extended the Sereghran’s Frontiers into the Forest, setting the Borders North along the East Bank of the river Kelebros, from the Bay to the Lake, and in the South from the Lake to the Fortress of Magadinos along a great arc following the edge of the Eastern Foothills.  But the lake Brandar also renamed, calling it “Baeren’s Lake”, in honor of his friend Baeren the Knight.  And he envisioned a mighty city upon its shores which he intended to build himself, and make it his capital. 

By the treasure obtained from the hoard of Balkurmis, Brandar was now able to continue repairing the hurts to the Lands and the Sereghran People brought about by the ravages of the Devouring Assault.  And he gave generous grants of coin and land to any who wished to establish homesteads and clear farmland and build settlements in the Forest.  Then he called for artisans and masons, and carpenters and craftsmen, and other tradesmen, offering them exceedingly high wages to move to the Forest and begin for him the building of a grand new Tower and township by the Lake, which he would name Deunomis, meaning “Barrow of Wicked Treasure”.  And in time, everything was done as he wished.  Then was he called the “Lord of Deunomis”, for he took up his crown there; declaring himself King of the Forest.  And he became one of the most respected Kings of the Sereghran in that Age of the world, the Aforetime of Men.

So it was that Brandar made himself a King by his own hand upon Arzultaur, the Hidden Continent, within the Enchanted Mists.  But he had achieved many other titles by which he would become known throughout the world in later days, when he was sung of in some monarch’s hall, or portrayed upon the stage, or toasted in a tavern.

Here had he slain dragons both in Andaria and Arzultaur, among whom Balkurmis was perhaps the greatest.  But also giants he had felled, including Gar the Otog during the Long Siege, and numerous others in the Devouring Assault.  And he was already the Honorary King of the Dunjularians, and High Chieftain of the Exiled Northrons of Andaria.  Thus did he and his Six Northron Volunteers make it through the ranks of the Armies of MorLome during that Siege, and thereafter sailed upon the Wide Yerhiesc to come at last to the Hidden Continent.  Now had he established the Third Kingdom of the Sereghran.  And he ruled for several generations of Men with honor and wisdom.  But more there is to his story, as shall now be told, for Modeus was not done with his warmongering.  And now he held especial malice for Brandar; holding the Northron chiefly responsible for his defeat in the Devouring Assault, and the loss of his stranglehold over the Forest.


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