04 May

The Adventures of Brandar Odaron

Book 1:  The Hidden Continent 

Appendix B              The Magic Seven of the Palaklar

The Magic Seven are the powerful swords of the Seven Northron Emissaries originating as plain but high-quality hand-and-half long-swords of Andarian steel which the Emissaries carried with them to Arzultaur but which were remade and enchanted by order of High King Strabos of Sunthakis, in Arzultaur, and were there engraved with runes and symbols from tip to pommel, including the names of the sword and its owner on each side of each blade in the Arzurian tongue.  The swords are otherwise identical; similar to a European knight’s sword of the 1300s, but with a hilt half again longer, yet keeping the simple cross-guard and the disk-like pommel.  Therefore, the blade is double-edged with a single ridge, no blood-groove, and largely retains the same width for most of its length; beginning to taper a few inches from the tip.  The sword is approximately 40 inches in length overall, with an 8-inch grip (from guard to pommel) and a 30-inch blade.  The grip is of engraved steel, unwrapped, and the finish is burnished steel, silvery in color, but without mirror-like or chrome-like reflectivity, although their magicks make them glow with a silvery light.

The Sereghran referred to these swords only as the Northron’s Brands, but the Andarians counted them among the Palaklar after the Northrons returned to Andaria, and named them the Magic Seven.  These were among the most powerful weapons in the world until the discovery of the Crystal Four. 

The magical powers common to all of the Magic Seven are as follows.  All magic is negate impervious, and does not weaken with age or usage.  The blade emits a flash upon being drawn, which temporarily blinds all evil-aligned within line of sight to 50 paces (~ 125 feet), and also constantly glows with a visible silvery aura.   The sword never rusts, is indestructible, and remains eternally sharp.  It also makes its wielder indestructible with constant touch to the grip, and protects the wielder from all spell-magic (but no other magic, and not the space around the wielder), with constant touch.  Will shoot a lightning-bolt by verbal command while holding the grip, giving explosive impact across six inches diameter on any solid target to a distance of 880 paces in line of sight.  Will also shoot ball-lightning by verbal command while holding the grip, with explosive impact across three feet diameter, to a distance of 90 yards in line of sight.  Shoots a lightning blast by verbal command while holding the grip, with explosive impact across twelve feet diameter to a distance of 60 paces.  Produces a lightning-lance to nine feet from the hilt by verbal command, constant until canceled by verbal command, and which does total damage to area of contact (similar to a Star Wars light saber, but is a rod of electrical energy, rather than laser light).  Will emit the blinding flash at any time while drawn, upon verbal command, with same result (does not blind good-aligned or neutral viewers).  Has holy magic constant; imparting deadly pain upon touch to any part of the sword touched by any evil-aligned human, fleshly creature, or physical form of spirit entity; causing death with constant touch within minutes (does no harm to good or neutral aligned).  Is partially weightless, constant, with weight only one-third of normal steel. 

The Magic Seven also have extra powers.  Brandar’s sword, Beliscaertos, meaning "Mighty Sword", but called also the “Sword of the Quest”, cannot be forced from the wielder’s grasp by any physical strike to the sword or to the wielder (but can be released at any time, including absent-mindedly, accidentally, etc.).  It can transport the wielder by verbal command while holding the hilt, to any location within the wielder’s line of sight (but will not allow transport into a solid destination).  The blade cleaves all ordinary metals not protected by magic, and will emit a destructive blast of mystic energy by verbal command while holding the grip, dispersed conically to a total diameter of 24 hand-spans at a distance of 30 paces.  This is the most destructive power of all of the Magic Seven, and will completely disintegrate, explode, or otherwise disrupt any target of any composition not protected by magic.

Tomas’ sword, Bheleuwal, meaning “Blast of Burning Might”, cannot be forced from the wielder’s grasp by any physical strike to the sword or to the wielder (but can be released by the wielder at any time, including absent-mindedly, accidentally, etc.).  It will shoot a fireball to 220 paces (one furlong), by verbal command while holding the grip, giving explosive impact across three feet diameter of the target.  Will also shoot a flame-spear, by verbal command while holding the grip, to 220 paces, giving explosive impact across 3 inches in diameter of the target, penetrating to a maximum depth of 6 feet into flesh, 3 feet into wood, 1 foot into iron or ordinary steel, and 6 inches into stone.  This sword will also cleave all ordinary metals not protected by magic.

Alak’s sword, Bhagharak, meaning “Sword of Winter’s Breath”, shoots a frost-blast to 60 paces, by verbal command while holding the grip, freezing instantly on impact up to 24 cubic feet of the target, or encasing in a block of ice any smaller target.

Daram’s sword, Bleikaran, meaning “Sword of Mysticism”, shoots an invisible spear, by verbal command while holding the grip, to 220 paces, giving a 3-inch hole 3 feet deep into any target not protected by magic.  And the invisible spear cannot be removed.

Erek’s sword, Bharghillos, meaning “Sword of Light”, will emit a beam of hot sunlight to 110 paces (half a furlong), by verbal command while holding the grip, destroying 6 inches diameter to 1 foot depth into any target not protected by magic.  Especially deadly to monsters who cannot abide sunlight (Vampires, most Trolls, etc.).

Khalen’s sword, Blarafulon, meaning “Sword of Devestation”, causes a magical explosion in line of sight out to 220 paces by verbal command while holding the grip, completely destroying 3 cubic feet of any target material not protected by magic. 

Rosth’s sword, Bheflados, meaning “Sword of Magic Force”, sends a burst of energy to 1320 feet (two furlongs) by verbal command while holding the hilt, exploding on impact; destroying 6 cubic feet of any target material not protected by magic.

Of course, the scabbards of the Magic Seven are magical, as well; all the original scabbards but remade with silver cladding, so that each was engraved the same as the blade it holds.  They are designed to prevent accidental harm from the bare blade, and to keep non-constant powers from being activated even if a word of command is spoken.  Furthermore, the scabbard keeps the magic of its sword and itself from being detectable while the sword is sheathed.  And all the scabbards are indestructible, while their magicks are impervious to negation.  

Note:  1 furlong  =  1/8 mile  =  220 paces (yards)  =  660 feet.


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