04 May

The Adventures of Brandar Odaron

Book 1:  The Hidden Continent

Appendix A              The Seven Northron Emissaries

Brandar Odaron             

Descendent of Odar the Old of Rillguman.  Captain of Westmarch Rangers of Andaria.  Dunjilarian High Chieftan and Honorary King of the Northrons of Andaria.  Slayer of a winged dragon named Bitlawan, in the Westmarch of Andaria.  Leader of the Seven Northron Emissaries.  Bearer of the Pearl of Giant-Strength, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Hero of the Mists.  Warlord to the Sereghran of Arzultaur.  Holder of an Aefarin.  Ruler of the Third Realm and called “King of the Forest” in Arzultaur.  Wielder of Beliscaertos; greatest of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  The Founder of Odherudor.  Bane of Evil Dragons.  Demon Slayer.  Widely acknowledged as the greatest adventurer in the AforeTime of Men.  Tall, blonde, handsome, Nordic type; very athletic, master of empty-hand martial arts, master swordsman, intelligent and learned; a natural leader.

Alak Bakhas

Dunjilarian Northron and 2nd cousin of Brandar.  Second in Command of the Seven Northron Emissaries.  Hero of the Westmarch Rangers of Andaria; promoted to Royal High Captain after assisting Brandar in the slaying of the winged Dragon Bitlawan in the Westmarch.  Bearer of the Diamond of Clear Sight, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Called “Keen-Eyed Alak”, but also “The Worry Wart”, among the Emissaries.  Errant General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Bhagharak, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Tall, blonde, handsome, Nordic type; very athletic, and a master swordsman.

Daram Staendor

Dinjilarian Northron, and a cousin of Brandar.  Third in Command of the Emissaries.  Sergeant in the Westmarch Rangers; promoted to Royal Guardsman after assisting Brandar in the slaying of the winged Dragon Bitlawan in the Westmarch.  Bearer of the Red Ruby of Flame, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Errant General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Bleikaran, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Tall, blonde, Nordic type; fiery spirit, but called also “Daram the Doubter” among the Emissareies.

Erek Laiklond

Bankari Northron.  High Prince of the Bankari of Andaria.  Only one year older than Brandar.  Hero of the Westmarch Rangers.  Fourth in Command of the Seven Northron Emissaries.  Bearer of the Emerald of Healing, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Errant General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Bhargillos, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Tall, red haired, atheletic, and a great fighter, but called the “Complainer” among the Emissaries.

Khalen Baristir

Bankari Northron.  Master-At-Arms in the Southmarch of Andaria, then Instructor of Recruits in the Westmarch.  One of Brandar’s Teachers.  Master of all hand-held weapons.  Fifth in Command of the Seven Emissaries.  Bearer of the Amethyst of Speed, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Errant General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Blarafulon, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Medium height, red-haired but bald-headed, with highly freckled skin.  Eldest of the Emissaries, but very agile by nature, and second only to Brandar in fighting skills.

Rosth Perestha

Frochakar Northron.  Hero of the Southmarch of Andaria, then First Lieutenant in Royal Cavalry at Romin.  Sixth in Command of the Emissaries.  Bearer of the Opal of Sunlight, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Errant General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Bheflados, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Short of stature, dark haired; deceptively ordinary appearance, but an extremely capable fighter; called “Easy-Going Rosth” among the Emissaries.

Tomas Loksom

Forchakar Northron.  A Scout and Hunter, and then Hero of the Westmarch Rangers.  Seventh and thus last in rank among the Seven Northron Emissaries, but later rose to the fore.  Bearer of the Blue Jade of Lightening, of Maneldor’s Gems.  Came at length to outrank all but Brandar among the Emissaries, as Commander General of Frontier Warriors of Arzultaur.  Wielder of Bheleuwal, of the Magic Seven of the Palaklar.  Medium height, brown hair, stout build; swift to act at need, but otherwise calm and friendly; called “Tomas the Wise” among the Emissaries.  

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